Make sure you carry a bottle of water with you. Whether you find yourself out in the wilderness or in a bustling city, having a bottle of water on your person at all times is never a bad idea. These are especially easy to keep handy if you carry a purse.
When booking flights for travel, always select your specific seat in advance. This ensures that you will get the seat you want, be it aisle, window, or emergency exit row. It also helps prevent you from getting bumped to standby in the event of an overbooking, since your seat assignment is locked in.
When traveling overseas, hang on to your reciepts for credit card purchases. When you file them, date them and note the purpose of the purchase. When you get home, you have an easy way to reconcile your statement with the money you spent. This will make it much easier to spot any fraudulent charges.
Get to the airport early to get a good seat choice. Most airlines ignore seat selections made when purchasing your ticket. When you get to the counter to check-in for your flight you can request the seat you want without too much hassle. This also helps you to be seated next to people you are traveling with.
Add an ID tag to the inside of your luggage. A luggage tag on the exterior of luggage is easily lost in transit. Placing identification and contact information inside your luggage can ensure that it is returned to you in the event it becomes separated from the luggage tag.
Whenever you travel for business or pleasure, research your destination before you leave. Arriving in a foreign city without any idea where to go or what to see can be overwhelming and takes away from the experience. Read a guide on your destination and talk to people you know have been there. You can easily learn some insiders tips.
Always check out a visitor's center near your destination. They often have a lot of pamphlets on different attractions. A lot of these will even have coupons inside to get a discount. So not only will you find things to do, but you can save money while you do them!
Bring a gift for the flight attendants to gain special treatment. Flight attendants are generally treated very poorly, and if you bring them a treat, like a store-bought pie or something similar, they will recognize your generosity and treat you accordingly. Remember to thank them for doing their jobs. They are working for your safety, not as your maid.
If your schedule allows it, leave yourself one day after your vacation before going back to work. You never know what kind of surprises you will encounter when you get back home. Plus it will also allow you to transition into reality and your daily grind a little bit easier.
When traveling by air with small children, pack a couple of toys that they have never seen before in your carry on baggage. Traveling can be stressful and difficult for a very young child. A couple of new toys can provide a much needed distraction. It also helps to prevent that over tired, or over anxious, crankiness that children sometimes experience.
You should make a copy of your passport, visa, and credit cards and keep them in a safe place in your luggage. If you were to lose these important items while traveling having a copy of them can make it easier to get replacements or to cancel their services.
Ninety percent of any good trip is preparation and knowledge. Having read this article, hopefully, you are now full of ideas on getting ready for and surviving your next adventure away from home. Apply what you have learned and you are sure to come home with good memories of visited destinations.
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